Get Ahead of the Curve: These Are the Top Interior Design Trends for 2022, also applies to 2023

August 31, 2022 11 min read

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Get Ahead of the Curve: These Are the Top Interior Design Trends for 2022, also applies to 2023

Whether you’re planning a home makeover or simply want to be ahead of the trends, it’s important to know what’s popular in interior design. These are the top interior design trends for 2022, so you can start planning your projects accordingly.

Modern and cozy home interior

What is Interior Design?

Interior design is all about creating a space that is functional, comfortable, and appealing. The design should facilitate movement and create an environment that is free of barriers. It should also be designed well and blend well with your surrounding area.

A well-designed interior not only provides personalized touches but also makes future upgrades easier. You can easily change the fixtures, flooring, and paint to match the rest of the house without having to spend a lot of time or money.

The design and decor of a building's interior is far from static, and is constantly evolving. Now more than ever, the design of a space needs to be thoughtful, and able to respond to changing needs and environments.

Architect or interior designer working with tablet computer and material samples

Interior design history

The history of interior design has its roots in art and mythology. The earliest examples of decorated rooms are found in the ancient cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, which were built about 2500 BC. These cities were destroyed around 1700 BC, but the influences of these cultures can be seen in many of today's interior design elements, such as ziggurats. Ziggurat was the Persian name for a staircase that ascended to the top of a tower, which was then used as a temple.

Ziggurat stairs were also a popular design element in ancient Egypt, where they were used to access the upper floors of houses and synagogues. They’re still used in some modern buildings, but the closeness of the stairs (and the lack of rails) has made them something of a design antique.

For example, in the early 1900s, as more people moved to the suburbs, the design of homes had to change to meet the needs of the growing family. The kitchen had to move from the center of the home to the back to make room for the new appliances and dining table. Even things like the flooring and wall color change as the needs of the family change.

The same thing is happening now that we’re in the digital age.

As people work from home and more children are raised in front of a screen, the design of homes has to change again to make room for technology. Now that people need to be able to work and play in a comfortable space, the design of a home has to accommodate this need as well.

Recent studies have shown that the color red increases productivity and improves concentration.

Modern home interior in trendy orange color

Why is it important to understand interior design trends?

Interior design trends give us an idea of what is popular and in demand in the market.

These trends are a sign of what is to come in the home decor world.

If you want to stay up to date on the latest in home decor, you must know what is happening in the market.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at the top 20 interior design trends for 2022.

These Are the Hottest Interior Design Trends for 2022

The year 2022 was an exciting one for many reasons, not the least of which was the shift in focus from the exterior to the interior of homes. As more people realized that their living space could use a refresh, they went out and got new furniture and began to apply certain design principles to make the most of their spaces.

This trend is expected to continue in the year ahead. Here are the interior design trends that are expected to rule the home-decorating world in 2022, and also apply to 2023.

#1. Comfort and utility

Utility was a key element of the design of the Australian tent house, which was a popular design for caravan and wilderness holidays in the 1900s. The essence of this style is to find functional ways to use space, wherever possible.

The modern equivalent of the Australian tent house is the RV, which has become a popular way to vacation across America. While the style isn’t all-convenient, it does allow for a certain amount of comfort and function.

Because the world is currently in the midst of a pandemic, many people are once again finding themselves in need of travel trailers, campers, and Utility was a key element of the design of the Australian tent house, which was a popular design for caravan and wilderness holidays in the 1900s.

design, which was influential in the 1920s and ’30s and is characterized by clean lines, functional furniture, and elegant proportions. This style is expected to make a comeback in the coming year, but in a more muted way that retains the elegance and charm of the original Bauhaus movement.

#2. Comfort and clarity

2022 is the year that people begin to understand the value of comfort in the workplace, home, and garden. Because of this, the design of each space will seek to provide clarity and ease of use. The home will be designed with a focus on open spaces that enhance relationships, and the office with on-site worker accommodation in mind.

#3. A return to natural materials

The use of natural materials in the home, such as stone, clay, light wood, and earth tones, is becoming more popular again.

These materials provide a sense of comfort and coziness that is lacking in darker tones.

A picture of a living room with plants on the windows and on the floor also dogs sleeping in the room

#4. The ‘living room’ becomes the new kitchen

As people begin to understand the importance of comfortable, practical spaces in the home, the kitchen is changing from an afterthought to a key part of the home. Kitchens are no longer tucked away and used only for cooking, but have become places to socialize as well. Eating meals together is a popular activity that is increasing the demand for a social space in the kitchen.

#5. A return to the outdoors

2022 is the year that people begin to understand the connection between the outside and the inside of the home.

This can be seen in the growing demand for verandahs, garden rooms, and balconies. In some countries, such as Australia, apartment dwellers are able to access a garden through a shared wall that opens onto a balcony. The popularity of this design is likely to spread, given that it offers residents a view of the outside, brings the outdoors into the home, and makes the most of limited space.

#6. The home becomes a integral part of the garden

The connections between the inside and outside of the home are becoming more natural as well. This type of design can be seen in towns and cities where apartment buildings are built with gardens, and even the layout of some houses is influenced by the location of the garden.

For example, a kitchen and dining area may be built at the front of the house, making it the center of activity. In the back, there may be a family room and garden room, both containing natural light and leading to aua spacious back porch.

#7.Purpose over presentation

2022 is the year that people begin to understand the importance of function over form.

In keeping with this, the trend for interior design is moving toward less-is-more.

This is exemplified in the growing demand for kitchens with fewer amenities.

As people are spending more time at home, they are seeking to reduce the clutter caused by kitchens with cabinets reduced to a minimum and appliances located on the countertops.

There is also a move to simpler living rooms, with larger spaces being created using furniture that is more functional. Sofa sets that include cushions that can be rearranged and changed to suit different situations and uses are becoming popular.

#8. Tapping into the power of nature

2022 is the year that people begin to understand the importance of plants in the home.

This can be seen in the growing demand for windows and walls that are greened, with images of plants and their environment becoming popular decor choices.

In addition, there is a move to bring the outdoors inside, with plants becoming a popular feature in living rooms and kitchens.

This is exemplified by the work of Melbourne-based designersDark Garden Design (DGD), which uses natural materials – stone, timber, ceramic, and fiber – to create environments that are both beautiful and functional.

#9. Finding inspiration in the past

2022 is the year that people begin to look to the past for ideas and inspiration.

This is seen in the growing demand for antiques and vintage items, which are popular due to their historic value and because they tend to be well-made, practical, and incorporate design features that fit current trends. In addition, there is a move to simplify lives by hanging on to what people love about the past, such as classic designs and styles.

This has led to a growing interest in vintage items, which are popular due to their design and practicality.

There is also a push for bolder color choices, with many vintage items being created in rich reds, blues, and yellows.

#10. Shades of gray

2022 is the year that people begin to realize that gray can be a neutral in interior design.

This is seen in the growing demand for interior walls and floors, which are painted gray rather than white or some other bright color.

In addition, there is a move to incorporate more natural materials – such as wood, marble, and onduline – into homes, creating a more cozy and inviting environment.

#11. Serving the family

2022 is the year that people realize that a home should serve more than one purpose.

This is exemplified in the growing demand for multi-purpose living spaces, with family rooms being created that are versatile enough to be used for entertaining and relaxing.

In addition, there is a push to create living spaces that are more aware of their surroundings, with kitchen islands being placed at windows to allow natural light to enter the kitchen.

Furthermore, sitting rooms now have a greater purpose, with many households using them as study halls for children.

#12. Furniture for all occasions

2022 is the year that people realize that furniture should be multi-functional.

This is seen in the growing demand for furniture that can be rearranged and adapted to suit different situations.

For example, dining tables can be used for mealtime or light meals, desk sets for working, and sofas for relaxing and entertaining.

Also, as technology advances, furniture is becoming more streamlined and designed to fit the needs of the current generation.

#13. Living walls

2022 is the year that people begin to realize the benefits of having living walls in their homes.

This is seen in the growing demand for interior plants – both indoors and outdoors – that bring both beauty and nature into homes.

In addition, there is a push to naturalize indoor environments by creating outdoor rooms that are connected to homes through covered walkways and doors. This creates beautiful biophilic environments that help to naturalize the feeling of being in a city.

#14. Floor to ceiling windows

2022 is the year that people begin to realize the beauty of floor-to-ceiling windows in homes.

This is seen in the growing demand for large-sized windows, particularly those that extend from the floor to the ceiling in multi-purpose spaces, such as living rooms and kitchens.

This beautiful design trend allows for plenty of natural light to enter the room, creating a brighter and more spacious ambiance.

Modern apartment building with floor to ceiling windows

#15. Movable furniture

2022 is the year that people begin to realize that furniture should be movable.

This is seen in the growing demand for furniture that can be rearranged and adapted to suit different situations.

For example, dining tables can be used for mealtime or light meals, desk sets for working, and sofas for relaxing and entertaining.

Also, as technology advances, furniture is becoming more streamlined and designed to fit the needs of the current generation.

#16. Mixing materials

2022 is the year that people begin to realize the benefits of mixing materials in furniture.

This is seen in the growing demand for tables that are made out of concrete with upholstered chairs.

Concrete provides the strength and stability necessary for a functional furniture piece, while the upholstery provides warmth, texture, and comfort.

#17. Perfumes and color

2022 is the year that people begin to realize the importance of scents and color in home decor.

This is seen in the growing demand for essential oils, which are often used in aromatherapy to promote a sense of wellbeing.

In addition, natural colorants such as indigo are becoming more popular in home decor because they add a rich element of color to interior spaces.

#18. Luxury materials

2022 is the year that people begin to realize the importance of using luxury materials in home decor. This is seen in the growing demand for marble countertops, stainless steel appliances, and leather furniture.

These materials are often associated with high-end restaurants and hotels, but they are becoming more popular in homes as well.

#19. Open concept living

2022 is the year that people begin to realize the benefits of open concept living.

This is seen in the growing demand for homes that have multiple rooms that are open to each other.

This allows for a natural flow of air and light into the home, which is essential for creating a healthy and comfortable environment.

#20. Smart homes

2022 is the year that people begin to realize the importance of smart homes. This is seen in the growing demand for home appliances that are capable of communicating with each other and with the outside world.

This allows for seamless communication between devices and systems, which can help to make life easier and more efficient. Also importantly there will also be an increased quality IoT connected products available from brands such as Google Home Products Google and Amazon Alexa.

Smart home concept, a tablet-computer monitoring and controlling a home

How to incorporate the latest trends into your home décor

From the ever-popular marble countertops to the latest in sustainable home furnishings, it can be hard to keep up with all the latest changes in interior design.

That's why we wanted to share some of the top tips for incorporating the latest trends into your home décor.

1. Start with a vision. 

Before you start selecting any pieces of furniture or accessories, take some time to create a vision for your space. This will help you to decide what style you'd like to emulate and which items you'll need to purchase.

2. Choose timeless pieces.

As with all things in life, trends come and go. If you want to stay ahead of the curve, it's important to choose pieces that will look good in any home décor style.

3. Consider eco-friendly options. 

With the world constantly changing, it's important to consider sustainable options when selecting home furnishings. Look for furniture made from natural materials, such as wood or bamboo, and opt for products that are environmentally friendly, such as rechargeable batteries or solar panels.

4. Keep it chic.

There's nothing worse than seeing outdated items left around your house: things like lava lamps can actually be considered vintage now! Always remember: cleanliness counts! When shopping online or visiting thrift shops (hey - this goes back ages), always double check whether each item needs cleaning before being brought into your new place so as not to feel too bogged down once moved there) . And if anything looks rather shabby-chic make sure it still has its retro glory intact before purchasing!). You won't regret investing extra cash here - trust me!

5. Go for a mix.

Just because a trend is popular right now doesn't mean you have to stick to one style. Instead, mix and match different pieces from different eras to create your own unique look.

6. Be inspired by nature.

Adding natural elements to your home decor can be a great way to stay on trend and add some organic appeal. Try incorporating wood panels or stone tiles into your décor.

7. Think geometric.

geometric patterns are always in style, and they're perfect for updating traditional spaces.

Try using them in your dining room or living room.

8. Be brave.

If you're feeling a little unsure about how to incorporate a certain trend into your home, don't be afraid to experiment. There's no harm in trying something new and exciting!

9. Keep it fresh.

Seasonal decor is always a popular choice, and there's no reason you can't mix and match different items throughout the year. For example, you could use spring flowers in your living room during the Spring season, and autumn leaves in the Fall.

10. Stay up to date.

Check out popular home decor blogs and magazines to stay up to date on the latest trends. You'll be surprised at just how much you can learn from reading about other people's ideas!

A close up picture of a woman turning over an interior design magazine looking for new ideas


If you're looking to update your home's interior, be sure to keep these trends in mind. By incorporating some of the latest design elements, you can create a stylish and modern space that will be on trend for years to come.

A picture of a Cozy living room

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